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Fan of Silvio Rodríguez
Hello, This topic is my favorite because I adore the music!. Well, to star with since I was little  my brothers listened to Silvio Rodriguez, so I started to like me little by little. Ever we loves play the guitar and the Trova´s music.

I remember that the first song that I listened of Silvio was “Mi unicornio azul”, its very sad song that causes me a lot of nostalgia top play it now.  If you listen to it you will see that it is too sad. 😔

Now that I’m bigger, I continue to be her fan. I like the album “Mujeres”  I recommend this album if you like the Trova´s music how the music of other artists: Manuel García, Pedro Aznar, Tata Barahona, etc.

Finally, I would like to add something that always happens to me.  When I tell the guys I go out with that I like Silvio, these guys me songs by this artist and it happens that afterwards I end up hating these songs because they make me remember them. 😫 

"En estos días  
Imagen relacionadatodo el viento del mundo
sopla en tu dirección
la Osa Mayor corrige la punta
de su cola y te corona
con la estrella que guía la mía". 


  1. Silvio Rodríguez is the guy who sang "Angel para un final"?

  2. Silvio Rodriguez is great, his lyrics allow you to reflect too much.

  3. Silvio Rodríguez reminds me of Felipe Camiroaga,and... Now I'm very sad :,(

  4. Silvio Rodríguez is a great musician, it has been an honor to sing his songs within my band. A different voice and deep lyrics, undoubtedly a good exponent of music...


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