Post 3: "The most Embarrassing thing I am willing to admit" I think that the most embarrassing that I was when little are once that I ate a piece of bar soap. The thing was that this bar are a piece of bread😭 (XDDD) it was night and it didn´t look very good. After, my mom take a trap and she clean my mouth🙍. I remember that my brothers laughed a lot at me 😒. Also, other situation that I remember are when I arrived to Santiago in 2018 and I was learn the route in Transantiago but I took the wrong bus and got lost for a few hours 😪. The people in Santiago isn´t to friendly and no one help me that day. Now, in this moment I prepare the actions for prevent embarrasing thing, but cause me anxiety and I fear of being wrong. Ever I talk this situations with my pysichologist and she says I should stop "planning" my actions. But it´s very dificult to me because I feel the necessity of have everything under control. So, is thing that I might work in my life f...
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